Have you ever listened to a conversation, an interview, a political debate or an argument and it’s blatantly clear that one or more of the people involved is simply wrong? As in, the things they’re saying are factually and objectively untrue. They’re either misinformed, remembering something incorrectly or flat out Continue Reading
Your Political Ignorance Can Make You Feel Politically Savvy
Ignorant vs Stupid First things first, let’s just define a few words for the sake of clarity. According to Merriam-Webster: Ignorance is simply a lack of knowledge, education or awareness. To be ignorant is to lack knowledge or comprehension of a specified thing. Comprehension is the capacity for understanding something Continue Reading
The Mission of What’s Missing
When deciding to create this website, it was clear to me from the onset that this needs to be treated like something that would become…well…something. It needs to treated like a business. Because a business has a mission. It has a plan. It has a vision and organization and focus Continue Reading
Where I’m Coming From
The first few posts on this site are a brief introduction of myself, giving perspective as to what I’m hoping to contribute, what I’m giving myself to, and why I believe that this is the core and the beginning of something much more broad and important to me than a Continue Reading
So, Here I Am
As I sit up straight at my desk, listening to a “Productive Morning” playlist on Spotify, a light therapy lamp blasting at my face, fingers anxiously waiting to type something entertaining enough for you, or any other reader, to be interested enough to continue reading, there’s one word that weights Continue Reading