The Mission of What’s Missing

When deciding to create this website, it was clear to me from the onset that this needs to be treated like something that would become…well…something. It needs to treated like a business. Because a business has a mission. It has a plan. It has a vision and organization and focus and goals and skillsets and expertise and deadlines and the desire to grow through the service to it’s consumer base. A base of consumers that trust the product because a need or demand of theirs is being fulfilled, and the brand meets a preferred set of standards and principals.

So, first things first: the mission.

There’s an increasingly concerning cultural atmosphere stemming from some very real problems, and I’m hoping to play a role, however large or small, in finding and promoting the solutions.  Here are the six problems that I’m initially focused on:

  1. A lack of humility and self awareness, and far too much certainty, pride and unwarranted confidence.
  2. A desire to see others fail. So much that we see them as enemies.
  3. A system that profits off of people being ignorant, angry and armed with a false sense of certain.
  4. A lack of genuine curiosity and critical thinking.
  5. A media literacy deficit in a time of rapid media expansion.
  6. A set of systems that exploit the most core and vulnerable parts of peoples’ being.

It has crushed me over the years to watch the ways in which the human heart and mind and overall consciousness can be highjacked by cons. Sometimes these cons are led by people who appear, to me, to be the epitome of evil, sometimes by people who have blinders of self preservation or a restricted world view, and more often by those who are simply ill equipped to defend their own mind and emotions from opportunists who would hack in to them and rewire them in an attempt to exploit them, at the expense of peace and unity.

So this blog, and all of the projects that grow out of it, will be committed to fighting the aforementioned list of problems. I plan to do so with a series of blog posts, videos, podcasts, films and events that will all be designed to improve media literacy and critical thinking. This will be done through covering topics and concepts that help to educate and expand conversations with readers, viewers, listeners, attendees and participants. I’ll be examining cultural phenomena, media artifacts and current events through the lens of critical thinking, humility and self awareness. I’ll be holding the biggest and brightest light that I can possibly produce to those dark corners in our society where these psychologically and culturally toxicities can grow and spread, mutate and evolve.

I’ve already been asked the questions: What are you hoping to accomplish? What’s your goal with this? What exactly is it?

They call the answer to these sorts of questions “the elevator pitch”. It’s like a vision statement, or the thing a business or organization is trying to accomplish and how. So, for my current elevator pitch…

I’m using multimedia tools to help spread peace, health and equity by promoting improved learning, critical thinking and a clearer understanding of what’s true.

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